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Art Camps

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ART CAMP SESSIONS Art camps are offered individually and as complete sessions. Complete sessions feature special reduced pricing.

Disney Cartooning and Marvel Superheroes Cartooning Offered as an 8 class, 4 class (your choice of dates), or individual dates camp.

Growing in Art and Let’s Create Camps Offered as a 4 class or individual dates camp.

Individual Date Camps: Paint Together | “Campout” Canvas Painting Sew Your Own Plushie Pet Paint Together | “Paint Your Pet” Canvas Painting

Disney Cartooning

Full Session (8 weeks)



June 19 – Aug 14

(does not meet July 3)

ages 7-18

Marvel Superheroes Cartooning

Full Session (8 weeks)



June 19-Aug 14

(does not meet July 3)

ages 7-18

Little Explorers: Growing in Art

Fun at the Beach



July 15-18 | ages 3-6

Let’s Create: Fun at the Beach



July 15-18 | ages 7-13

Little Explorers: Growing in Art

Bugs, Butterflies & Bees



Aug 12-15 | ages 3-6

Let’s Create: Bugs, Butterflies & Bees



Aug 12-15 | ages 7-13

Summer 2024 Art Camps by Date


Wed, June 19 | 12:30-2pmDisney Cartooning: WALL-E ages 7-18

Wed, June 19 | 2:30-4pmMarvel Superheroes CartooningSecret of Form, Making an Object Look Real ages 7-18

Wed, June 26 | 12:30-2pm Disney Cartooning: Tinker Bell ages 7-18

Wed, June 26 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningHulkPower of Perspective ages 7-18

July 2024 Art Camps

Tu, July 9 | 11am-1pm Paint Together | “Campout” Canvas Painting ages 7-13 Camp out with SFTA and paint your own u-pick style campout canvas painting! Tent or camper, which one are you?

Wed, July 10 | 11am-1:30pm Sew Your Own Plushie Pet ages 5-11 Sew your very own plushie pet! Students will be taught the basics of sewing and how to construct their plushie pet.

Wed, July 10 | 12:30-2pm Disney Cartooning: Woody ages 7-18

Wed, July 10 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningSo…Here’s The THING!Let’s Study and Draw the Figure ages 7-18

Mon, July 15 | 3-3:45pm Little Explorers: Growing in ArtFun at the BeachWave Painting ages 3-6

Mon, July 15 | 4:15-5:15pm Let’s Create: Fun at the BeachWave Painting ages 7-13

Tu, July 16 | 3-3:45pm Little Explorers: Growing in ArtFun at the BeachSand Castle Texture Art ages 3-6

Tu, July 16 | 4:15-5:15pm Let’s Create: Fun at the BeachSand Castle Texture Art ages 7-13

Wed, July 17 | 11am-1pm Paint Together | “Paint Your Pet” Canvas Painting ages 7-13 Students will paint a customized canvas painting of their pet! Families will need to provide SFTA with a high quality image of their pet via email prior to camp.

Wed, July 17 | 12:30-2pm Disney Cartooning: Dumbo ages 7-18

Wed, July 17 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningSPIDERMAN! To Your Rescue!Action and Foreshortening!The Knack of Drawing the Figure in Perspective ages 7-18

Wed, July 17 | 3-3:45pm Little Explorers: Growing in ArtFun at the BeachOcean Coral Painting ages 3-6

Wed, July 17 | 4:15-5:15pm Let’s Create: Fun at the BeachPastels Jellyfish ages 7-13

Th, July 18 | 3-3:45pm Little Explorers: Growing in ArtFun at the BeachBeach Day Mixed Media Collage ages 3-6

Th, July 18 | 4:15-5:15pm Let’s Create: Fun at the BeachBeach Day Mixed Media Collage ages 7-13

Th, July 18 | 5:30-6pm Student Art Show | Free to Attend All are invited to come celebrate our campers and see their works of art. Mon-Wed, July 22-24 | 9:30am-12pm Crochet Camp: Sea Turtles ages 7-18

Wed, July 31 | 12:30-2pm Choice of Disney CharactersDisney Cartooning: Buzz Lightyear or Disney Cartooning: Mulan ages 7-18

Wed, July 31 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningChoice of Marvel ProjectsSuperhero YOU! And a villain or 2!Drawing the Human and not so Human HeadMarvel Superheroes Cartooning or SPIDERMAN vs. Silver Surfer!Composition, Draw Your Own Comic Book Page ages 7-18

August 2024 Art Camps

Wed, Aug 7 | 12:30-2pm Disney Cartooning: Mushu ages 7-18

Wed, Aug 7 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningSuperhero YOU vs. the Villain!Comic Book Cover ages 7-18

Wed, Aug 14 | 12:30-2pm Disney Cartooning: Mr. Incredible ages 7-18

Wed, Aug 14 | 2:30-4pm Marvel Superheroes CartooningHULK Brings the Storm to the D!The Power of Perspective ages 7-18

Th, Aug 15 | 5:30-6pm Student Art Show | Free to Attend All are invited to come celebrate our campers and see their works of art.

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